Sunday, September 13, 2009

Because it's too cool not to share

What's the deal with prime numbers? Did you know this about them:

Cool, much?

In other random passing comments:

Shout out to a reader in Greece! Please reveal yourself, I've noticed you for a while and am feeling curious and friendly :-)

I've started Twittering. I'm not sure if I will keep it up but I'm called Basic Kate if you are interested and I am currently experimenting with only doing it in the 2nd person... because 3rd and 1st are so passé.

I have experienced many declaration of randomness and joy recently so am quietly optimistic about the future, in particular because:
a) I now have orange hair and everyone knows that the future's bright, the future's orange (link).
b) There are public pianos on the streets of Bristol, which means we can dance and generally feed love (with music).

I saw a hen party gather around one of the pianos, all dressed in their silly hats and looking chavy, and one of them started playing classical music really well. Expect the unexpected. She then played 'Winnie the Pooh', which I had watched repetitively for a week this summer whilst babysitting and it makes me think of blustery days, which makes me think of the winds of change...

There is hope yet. Summer sucked but this late bit of good weather is all about things coming right eventually. Just gotta wait it out.

Anyway. Just dropping by, got a lot to do, but I will be back I think... and perhaps one day soon I'll tell you a story about the future being bright and where the orange thing first came from (it wasn't really a mobile phone ad but a funny shaped carrot). It's quite an old anecdote, from before everything went bad. Perhaps bringing it back is exactly what we need for this new start. September always feels like a new start to me.

Lataz x


Becca said...

I remember the carrot thing! That was a while ago, probably not long after I met you. Glad you've got the restless autumn feeling too and good luck with all your plans and schemes. Would love to see you this week sometime.

Miss Spitfire said...

Lovely to have someone else to share automn-feel-goodness with ;-) I usually feel like watching "You've got mail" at this time of year so I can be reminded of the Cranberries ("Dream") and bouquets of pencils...

Anna said...

Greece = Caro. ;) I have no clue why, but she shows up the same on my hit counter... I was curious too until I figured it out!

Kat(i)e said...

Anna! I was randomly reading through old blog posts 'cause I should be in bed and I just found your comment. How did I miss this before?!

Thanks for the info! I'm touched that she checks so often :-)

Carolyn Whitnall said...

Ooh ooh I was there for that day with the pianos and hens and all that jazz!

I think this is as far as I can catch up with your blog for tonight - I'm getting sleepy and I want to give each post my full attention!

(Sorry didn't get to see you today - what with Ebe stuff and Ben going to a colleague's party this evening we were just in danger of running out of time to catch up with each other).

Love you! xxx