Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Universal Cure

This one is for any Hugh Laurie fan out there. That man, wow. If I were more of a cliché I'd write something along the lines of him having been standing in the right place when God was giving out all the good stuff. This particular song is actually connected with something I have talked about before here (link) to do with Bob Dylan and his prophetic stylings (did I mention that I think pop music is prophetic?). I can't really express just how ridiculous/sublime I find this piece of comedy writing as far as it being a reminder of the irritatingly glib way that some people can go on about changing the world. But Hugh says it better:


He's right though. That is all we have got to do. Let's go!

P.S. The real answer is love. All you need is love. Do it.

P.P.S. Watch this space for a potentially-coming-soon synopsis of the mathematical reasons for why the Beatles were right.


Zara said...

Love Hugh Laurie's song! Just barely resisting putting it on my FB... May crack later.


Carolyn Whitnall said...

Wow, why did I not see it before! What are we waiting for people?

(Ooh, you need to make your links open in a new tab or something like you normally do, I keep losing my place in your blog).